The fresh water shade of aquamarine, named after the sea water, is a cold dip in the refreshing pool.
Blue to slightly greenish blue variety of beryllium mineral. The crystals are sometimes large enough to carve gems weighing more than 100 carats. Well-shaped crystals can form excellent mineral samples.
The name aquamarine comes from the Latin for seawater and has been said to calm the waves and keep sailors safe at sea. March’s stone was also considered a means of increasing happiness in marriage. The best gemstones combine high purity with clear transparency and blue to slightly greenish shades of blue. Like many beryls, aquamarine forms large crystals suitable for large gems and carvings.
Aquamarine is a green-blue to blue variety of the mineral beryl. (Emerald is a green to blue-green variety of the same mineral.) Its color is usually light pastel greenish blue.
Heat treatment usually gives it a bluer look.
Aquamarine crystals are known to be large, relatively pure and well-formed, making them particularly valuable for mineral sample collectors.
The name “aquamarine” is derived from two Latin words: aqua, which means “water” and marina, which means “sea”.
The mineral beryl is said to provide the wearer with protection from enemies in battle or litigation. It makes the wearer invincible and friendly and also speeds up the intellect.
Aquamarine is the cornerstone of March.